Initiated by the Local Government Authority in 1973 the Goomalling Historical Society operates from the Old Konnongorring School in Throssell Street, adjacent to the swimming pool. The building is vested in the Shire and is now the Society’s headquarters and museum (pictured above). Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month from February to November and we currently have 10 members.
The Museum is set up as a one-teacher school room in early 20th Century style and costume. Included are an array of educational documents, histories on one-teacher schools in the district and the history of Wool production in the region. We also have a machinery shed housing a variety of historical farm machinery and windmill heads, and a transportable classroom which houses Shire records, telecommunication displays and railway items. Hours are 10-4pm on Saturdays in School holidays and Heritage week and by appointment. Entry is $2 for Adults – children free.
The Society’s publications include Goomalling Past and Present Vol’s 1-4, Rural and isolated schools in the Goomalling district 1863-1930 and a Pamphlet Goomalling – a brief history and tourist guide. A book by Barbara Sewell titled Goomalling – A Backward Glance was published in 1998.
Significant places in the area include a number of old wells – Chidlow’s, Teamsters, Pear Tree and Monks, rock formations such as Tombstone and Cabbage Tree and Gamma Holes, as well as a number of Homesteads.