The Serpentine Historical Society was formed in 1996. We have nine members at present and we have found it difficult attracting new members.
We have recently had the Serpentine Old Bridge School (pictured above) on the South West Highway repaired and painted. On the 11th September we will commence to open the school for visitors every 2nd Sunday morning of the month.
As a society we have three projects in the pipeline:
1. Updating the publication Walking with Our Ancestors which is available at the cemetery and is a pen picture of local people who through their endeavour have left their mark in the Serpentine area. The publication contains a map of the grave sites so that visitors can follow a trail that visits the gravesites of the people mentioned in the booklet.
2. Documenting and storing a good many photographs and documents that have been given to the Society.
3. Encouraging local schools to visit our Old School Building and walk trails to find out what our town and district looked like in the past.
We are committed to joining the new ‘Serpentine/Jarrahdale HERITAGE’ organisation that has commenced in the local shire. We are in the process of deciding as to whether we join as the Serpentine Historical Society or as individual members.
We believe that ‘SJ Heritage’ will be an excellent organisation to promote the heritage of the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire area from Byford, Mundijong, The Historic Town of Jarrahdale and one of Western Australia’s earliest localities at Serpentine.