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WA Police Historical Society Inc.

WA Police Historical Society Inc.

The Western Australia Police Historical Society (Inc) was established by serving Police Officers in 1987. With support from Commissioner Brian Bull, our Collection was housed on Police premises until Mr Bull’s retirement in 1994.

His successor did not support the Society so we were forced to seek other storage facilities and retired Officers were required to fill the void. The WA Police Union subsequently gave us an office and facilities for storage, in order that we could continue.

In November 2006 we were able to move into our current premises at 57 Lincoln Street, Highgate Commissioner O’Callaghan leased the old Highgate Hill Police Station built 1897 and the Police quarters built 1906 (pictured above) to the Society with a 10 year renewable term.

In addition we secured a lease with the Water Corporation on their redundant sewage (tower) building, which is adjacent, for a lecture, meeting and work room. All these buildings are Heritage listed.

We established offices and a Museum in the Police quarters and restored the interior of the Police Station and cells to appear as if the Station is still in operation. Our main purpose is to preserve Police history, whether it be with aretfacts, photographs or documents, together with the personal histories of former Officers. Organised group tours are conducted by appointment.

A quarterly Newsletter consisting of 8 to 12 pages titled The Peelers Gazette, is produced. This has a circulation of 170 copies and is produced in hard copy. It covers the activities of the Society as well as a feature article on some aspect of WA Police history.

The Society currently has 103 members, with a nomination fee set at $10.00 plus $10.00 annually. Monthly Meetings take place at 10am, on the first Tuesday of the month, with the exception of November when it is on the 2nd Tuesday. In January we are in recess.

Hon. President
Dave Lampard
Hon. Secretary
Lena Wiggerman
Hon. Treasurer
Carol Vernon
Address Contact

Meeting place:

WA Police Historical Society (Inc)
57 Lincoln Street, Highgate, WA

Postal address:
The Secretary
WA Police Historical Society
PO Box 471, MT LAWLEY WA 6929
