All items accepted into the museum collection must conform to the Collections Policy. In brief they must have a Western Australian association, generally not duplicate an item already in the collection, be in sound condition and able to be stored under appropriate conditions in the museum.
The Museum does not purchase items or accept items on permanent loan to the collection. We cannot accept items simply left at the Museum.
Please refer to the form Expression of Interest in Donating an Item to the RWAHS Museum below before bringing any potential donations to the Society. If you wish to proceed, please complete and return the form. Please provide as much information as possible. On receipt of completed form you will be contacted as soon as possible and advised if the item is to be considered for inclusion in the collection. In this case, a time will be arranged for you to bring the item to the Society for inspection and a decision on the outcome.
If the item is not accepted into the collection, the Society may suggest other museums where it may better suit their collections.
Please contact the Museum if you have any queries.