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The Royal Western Australian Historical Society (RWAHS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Western Australia’s rich history. At the heart of the RWAHS is a management team that oversees the day-to-day operations of the society, including organizing events and exhibitions, managing the archives and collections, and maintaining relationships with members and partners


The Society is managed by an elected Council whose Chairperson is elected annually. The President is elected annually for a maximum of 5 years.

Council (2023-2024)President and Chair of Council
Mr Richard Offen 

Mrs Sally Anne Hasluck OAM

Vice-Chairperson of Council
Mrs Sally Anne Hasluck OAM

Ms Klara Haselhurst BEc MPA

Assistant Treasurer
Mr Nick Drew
CouncillorsDr Pamela Statham Drew PhD FRWAHS
Dr Lenore Layman AM PhD FRWAHS
Ms Megan Ewing
Mrs Wendy Lugg CF (Honorary Artist in Resident)
Mr John Lukin
Mr Michael Nind
Mr Keith Cundale, Affiliated Societies’ Committee Representative
Mrs Susan Hall, Auxiliary President
Ms Georgina Wigley BA Hons (Geog) BA Hons (Hist) MEd (StudAsia)
Honorary Officers
Hon. Architect
Maria Gillman, BOS Architects

Hon. Librarian
Jeanette Longwood BA Gr Dip Lib Stud

Hon. Solicitor
Mr Denis McLeod BA LLB

Mr Irvan Stanely, IS Assurance
Officers of RWAHSCommunity Officer
Mrs Lesley Burnett

Bookshop Manager
Dr Linda Bush PhD

Editor – History West
Dr Lenore Layman

Editors – Early Days
Dr Pamela Statham Drew
Mrs Jennie Carter
Ms Heather Campbell MPHA

Jeanette Longwood

CollectiveAccess Administrators
Janelle Hauser
Janet Tombleson
Recent Past Presidents Dr Steve Errington PhD MRSC FRACIJP 
Hon. Robert Nicholson AO KCSJ FAAL BA LLB MA LLM HonLLD
Ms Sally Anne Hasluck OAM
Dr Lenore Layman AM PhD FFAHS
Emeritus Professor Reginald Appleyard AM, MA, PhD, FASSA.
Rt. Hon. Reg Withers LL.B
Rt Hon. Sir William Heseltine GCB, GCVO, AC, QSO
Dr Geoffrey D R Lilburne MB, BS, FRACOG, FRCOG
Mr Clement Mulcahy MPhil, BA Hons, DipEd
Miss Margaret Medcalf OAM, BA, DipEd, FLAA, FFAHS, FRWAHS
Mr Ronald Bodycoat AM, LFRAIA
Professor Geoffrey C Bolton AO, MA, DPhil., PhD, FRHS, FASSA, FAHA, FRWAHS
The Hon. Sir Francis Burt AC, KCMG, QC