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Membership application

Becoming a member of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society is an excellent way to engage with Western Australia’s rich cultural and historical heritage. The society welcomes anyone with an interest in history and offers various membership options, including individual, family, and corporate memberships.

Membership application

About being a member

The Society offers its members many stimulating activities and over the years has catered for people with a wide range of interests and skills. Members can contribute in many ways:

  • participation in committees
  • volunteering their services in the various areas of Society’s activities
  • taking advantage of the services and enjoying the activities provided

Pro rata membership is now available during March and April 2025 for new members. From May the membership is the full rate and will carry through to the next year 2025/26.

The Calendar of Events can be viewed at Calendar of Events

"*" indicates required fields

Your details


Membership details

Please select the membership type below
Membership type*
*Centrelink Pensioner, Concession Card holders, and Health Care Card holders. **Monthly newsletter/"Early Days" Journal electronic version only. ***Pro rata is available March and April only, full memberships purchased after May will carry through to the next period


Credit Card

Anyone wishing to join the Society may do so using the Membership Application Form. Existing members will receive an annual invoice with payment instructions, either by credit card or by bank transfer. This will be sent at the beginning of each financial year.

Please contact for assistance and quote your surname along with your membership number. You may also request a brochure about the Society which includes an application form by contacting:

Community Officer
Royal Western Australian Historical Society Inc.
49 Broadway,
Nedlands, WA, 6009
Tel: +61 8 9386 3841

The Society is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested have a look at the volunteers page.